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Cuaroc's Reward Points: 8829

Points When What Where
5 Created Debate Let's see, Dems hate Trump for his Conservatism but No Restriction abortions are ok?
2 Added Argument So lets get this Liberal thing correct ok?
4 Created Debate So lets get this Liberal thing correct ok?
3 Added Argument Imagine a world that lived by the Golden rule, treating other's as you want to be treated.
5 Created Debate Imagine a world that lived by the Golden rule, treating other's as you want to be treated.
1 Added Argument Looks like God thought this thing out...
1 Added Argument Which party is the party of "family values"?
1 Added Argument Imagine if Trump fined you for having no health insurance...
1 Added Argument Tell us how the words Tolerance, inclusiveness, open mindedness, equate with deplorable.
2 Created Debate Tell us how the words Tolerance, inclusiveness, open mindedness, equate with deplorable.
1 Added Argument What becomes of a nation, when the Left replaces God with Man's Humanistic God?
5 Created Debate What becomes of a nation, when the Left replaces God with Man's Humanistic God?

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