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Emperor's Reward Points: 1340

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Who do you think the next US President will be?
10 High Rated Argument Satanism vs Christianity
-1 Downvoted Argument Is there anyway God can exist?
1 Added Argument Why should I be a Christian?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why should I be a Christian?
-1 Downvoted Argument Define the word Marriage. The "Word" marriage means union of a Man and a Woman
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Edward Snowden a Whistle Blower or an Informant?
0 Added Argument Libertarians, who will you vote for in 2016?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should religion influence U.S law?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should religion influence U.S law?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should religion influence U.S law?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Should religion influence U.S law?
1 Added Argument Which gives you more hope?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument Which gives you more hope?
0 Downvoted Argument I am sorry. This shit is not worth it.
0 Added Argument There is nothin unchristian about being high.
0 Downvoted Argument There is nothin unchristian about being high.
2 Added Argument Which gives you more hope?
2 Added Argument Is technology advancing or digressing?
8 Added Argument Should we fully explore the ocean to look for mermaids?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the Islamic religion peaceful?
-1 Downvoted Argument Is the Islamic religion peaceful?

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