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Freed0m's Reward Points: 95

Points When What Where
-1 Downvoted Argument Death Penalty
2 Added Argument Do you think Obama was the worst President of the United States
2 Added Argument Do you think Obama was the worst President of the United States
1 Added Argument New NASA Data Blow Gaping Hole In Global Warming Alarmism
1 Added Argument Repent ye sinners. The end of the world is nigh
1 Added Argument If you had to join the team of one of these characters which would you choose?
1 Added Argument Is Algebra better than Gometry?
1 Added Argument Do You Have a Zombie Evacuation Plan?
-1 Downvoted Argument Osama Bin Laden dead!?
3 Added Argument The Vietnam war was the most terrible political crime in American history.
1 Added Argument Jesus had long hair, yet why does the bible contradict men with long hair?
1 Added Argument Can this be thrown out in Court?

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