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Ismiala's Reward Points: 84

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments highly flawed?
4 Added Argument The inner complexisties of our hearts will never be full expressed in words.
5 Created Debate The inner complexisties of our hearts will never be full expressed in words.
1 Added Argument What is more serious, a head injury or a foot injury?
3 Added Argument Preamble, 7 articles, 27 amendments highly flawed?
1 Added Argument How Many Points do You Average a Day?
1 Added Argument Can guns be used to kill people?
2 Added Argument Should there be a "check" of Government rule or its power?
0 Downvoted Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Downvoted Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Added Argument Why do they think i am a troll
0 Added Argument Why do they think i am a troll

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