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Mathlete's Reward Points: 153

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Do violent video games cause violence?
10 Added Argument DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD
1 Added Argument Atheists for God: Does this make sense?
9 Added Argument Lady Of Guadalupe
5 Created Debate Lady Of Guadalupe
2 Added Argument educating boys are more important than educating girls
1 Added Argument What would you commit suicide for?
1 Added Argument If God is the creator of all creatures, why would God create something he doesn'
-1 Downvoted Argument If you could remove one person from history who would it be?
2 Added Argument Atheists: Have you ever read a logically sound definition of god?
5 Created Debate What would you commit suicide for?
-1 Downvoted Argument DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD
6 Added Argument What is evolutionary creation? I just heard this term.
1 Added Argument Do you like AWESOME audio? Check out PONO!
7 Added Argument Is race a fictional construct?
1 Added Argument Should drugs with a reasonable benefit/risk ratio be legal?
1 Added Argument Call of Duty is best video game series ever! (With video proof)
-1 Downvoted Argument As of today, I am no longer a christian.
2 Added Argument As of today, I am no longer a christian.
2 Added Argument If you could remove one person from history who would it be?
1 Added Argument Vegan or Vegetarian
1 Added Argument Vegan or Vegetarian
5 Created Debate Vegan or Vegetarian
-1 Downvoted Argument DO YOU BELIEVE IN GOD

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