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MrRight's Reward Points: 67

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Does lying ever help?
1 Added Argument Should the SR-71 be put back in use?
1 Added Argument To anyone who genuinely voted Romney over Obama (RU4REAL?!)
1 Added Argument The Satanic Snape iz back2rage.
1 Added Argument Should CreateDebate ban people?
1 Added Argument Impeach Obama?
1 Added Argument That's WRONG! (A Prodigee rant)
1 Added Argument The UK age for voting in national elections (currently 18) should be lowered?
1 Added Argument CreateDebate Ideas!
1 Added Argument Your most admirable fictional fighter of all time.
1 Added Argument Okay, now I REALLY oppose the Republican party, and here is why.
1 Added Argument Will Sequestration backfire on Obama?
-1 Downvoted Argument Will Sequestration backfire on Obama?
1 Added Argument If you could offer a newborn child only one piece of advice, what would it be?
1 Added Argument Coke or Pepsi
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Prodigee an uncontrollable troll or a loud thinker
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Prodigee an uncontrollable troll or a loud thinker
-1 Downvoted Argument Is Prodigee an uncontrollable troll or a loud thinker
-1 Downvoted Argument RandomDude is either a hacker or there is a major glitch.
-1 Downvoted Argument Nascar Vs. F1 Racing
4 Added Argument Nascar Vs. F1 Racing
5 Created Debate Nascar Vs. F1 Racing
1 Added Argument Is America too involved in other country's affairs?
1 Added Argument Which foreign policy move is better?
1 Added Argument Do people I know like me?
2 Added Argument Attention CreateDebate Users!!
1 Added Argument Barack Obama VS Mitt Romney
1 Added Argument who do you think would win
-1 Downvoted Argument who do you think would win
1 Added Argument President Obama
1 Added Argument From now on, I am going to answer every question as a presidential candidate.
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument The youth of TODAY lacks CREATIVITY
3 Created Debate Marco Rubio Vs. Jeb Bush
1 Added Argument Who is a backstabber on this site?
1 Added Argument Should the site change its name from CreateDebate to CreateDrama?
2 Added Argument UFC fight coming up
1 Added Argument When I was working on my PhD in........
0 Added Argument Home Protection Alarms
10 Added Argument RandomDude is either a hacker or there is a major glitch.
5 Created Debate UFC fight coming up
1 Added Argument RandomDude is either a hacker or there is a major glitch.

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