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Nautilus's Reward Points: 629

Points When What Where
2 High Rated Argument Do athiests celebrate easter and christmas!
1 High Rated Argument If Trump makes a run for the Presidency, who will win? Trump or Obama?
1 High Rated Argument China vs USA
1 High Rated Argument SOME Atheists are contradicting themselves.
1 High Rated Argument If Trump makes a run for the Presidency, who will win? Trump or Obama?
1 Added Argument If Trump makes a run for the Presidency, who will win? Trump or Obama?
1 Added Argument Would you dump the girl/guy you love because your mother doesn't like them?
0 Added Argument Obama is a homo for killing Osama.
7 Added Argument Atheists will be the first in heaven/paradise
2 Added Argument What do you think about someone that tells you what degrees they have?
1 Added Argument Would the world be different if women were president?
1 Added Argument Should Senors Have To Take An Annual Drivers Test?
3 Added Argument Is the Royal Family a Good Thing?
1 Added Argument Should we give different people different voting weights?
2 Added Argument Should we have lie detector use in public debates?
2 Added Argument Could China beat the USA in a war?
-1 Downvoted Argument What do you think of this quote from Jesus?
3 Added Argument What do you think of this quote from Jesus?
5 Created Debate What do you think of this quote from Jesus?
2 Added Argument What Should the Next Constitutional Amendment Be?
1 Added Argument Can we finally admit that the "birther" movement is delusional?
5 Created Debate What do Girls Look for in a Guy?
1 Added Argument Final Shuttle Launch Vs Royal Wedding!
1 Added Argument why is lying considered immoral?
2 Added Argument What do you think is the best way to die?
2 Added Argument What song are you listening to right now?
1 Added Argument Voting criteria for the 2012 presidential elections
1 Added Argument Do you let other peoples opinion change your mind?
1 Added Argument Are you my enemy?
1 Added Argument Religious faith should be objected to
2 Added Argument What do you think is the most dangerous job ever?
1 Added Argument Is getting breast implants acceptable to you?
2 Added Argument How can religions have credibility in their teachings when it so often leads to violence?
1 Added Argument Who Is Really Behind 911?
1 Added Argument Do we have rights?
1 Added Argument Is bigger really better?
2 Added Argument What Is Your opinion of Cosmetic Surgery?
1 Added Argument Rehabilitation v. Punishment
1 Added Argument Is there only one or two countries to blame for world war 2 ?
1 Added Argument Who do you think is upvoting everything? It's freaking me out O_O
2 Added Argument Why should the government be able to tell us to do/not to do things when we don't agree?
0 Added Argument Do you think aliens have visited Earth?
1 Added Argument Who is your favorite actor?
1 Added Argument Should we encourage the belief that kids have in Santa Claus?
2 High Rated Argument Should we encourage the belief that kids have in Santa Claus?
6 High Rated Argument Cowards among us?
1 Added Argument Cowards among us?
1 Added Argument Should we encourage the belief that kids have in Santa Claus?
4 Added Argument People burning the Koran/Qur'an, what do you think?
1 Added Argument Is this theory true?
1 Added Argument Is this theory true?
1 Added Argument SOME Atheists are contradicting themselves.
2 Created Debate Is American Health Care Reform Needed?
3 Added Argument What would probably happen if there were only 2 humans left on the planet
1 Added Argument How do you feel about the agnostic religion?
1 Added Argument The human body can be improved on as follows
1 Added Argument Obama is breaking the country with his intelligence.
1 Added Argument Wierd debate
1 Added Argument What kind of perfume/scent is the most appealing on a woman?
1 Added Argument What age did you start masturbating?
0 Added Argument What are we gonna do about the homos raping innocent men?
1 Added Argument How have your prayers changed since you were a child?
1 Added Argument In Singapore, is there one best way to solve the space crunch?
1 Added Argument Do you think America will ever return like she used to be?
1 Added Argument what can you get rid of?
2 Added Argument Cemetery Vs Cremation
1 Added Argument Religion is the best way to contol people,do you agree?
10 High Rated Argument Is teaching kids religion brainwashing?
9 High Rated Argument Do atheist have Schizophrenia?
1 Added Argument Are half arguments/ fights caused by people just refusing to hear the other side out?
10 Added Argument Do atheist have Schizophrenia?
1 Added Argument Happy Birthday Saurbaby08!
5 Created Debate How Much does Hellno2012 Love Obama?
3 Added Argument Why So Many Atheism Debates on CD?
3 Added Argument Does anyone besides me think animedude639 is a retarded 50 year old homosexual?
2 Added Argument Who is your favourite debater here?
2 High Rated Argument Who do you think is the most pointless person on CD?
2 High Rated Argument Sugar is poison to the body.
8 High Rated Argument Do athiests celebrate easter and christmas!
4 High Rated Argument If you had the power to ban something what would it be?
1 Added Argument Sugar is poison to the body.
3 Added Argument If you had the power to ban something what would it be?
6 Added Argument Do athiests celebrate easter and christmas!
1 Added Argument what do you guys think of eliot tarbon
1 Added Argument What do you guys think of hellNo2012
1 Added Argument is god a delusion?
1 Added Argument Out of these 2 hot chics, which one are you attracted to the most
1 Added Argument Out of these 2 hot chics, which one are you attracted to the most
3 Added Argument What happened to everyone on create debate?
5 Created Debate What happened to everyone on create debate?
1 Added Argument Could there be an "edge" to the Universe?
5 Added Argument Who do you think is the most pointless person on CD?
1 Added Argument If you could choose what animal describes you what would it be? Explain.
2 Added Argument Who created God?
1 Added Argument Draw Mohammad Day: Support or Oppose?
5 Created Debate Draw Mohammad Day: Support or Oppose?

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