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Wolfgang666's Reward Points: 174

Points When What Where
1 Added Argument Inner cities are the new Democrat Elite plantation
1 Added Argument Sollen Sprachkurse für fortgeschrittene Lerner mit einem Kursbuch arbeiten?
1 Added Argument You don't think America should come first? Then fly your ass to Pakistan.
-1 Downvoted Argument Proof of God, Scientific sense
1 Added Argument Does The Genetic Code Evidence The Intervention Of Intelligence In Biology?
1 Added Argument Political and historical ignorance
5 Created Debate Political and historical ignorance
1 Added Argument Is it more ethical to hunt for meat, or farm meat?
1 Added Argument Can I self identify as another race or even another species?
1 Added Argument Are Atheists "Special"?
1 Added Argument Political Correctness is fascism pretending to be manners
0 Added Argument Liberals want Russian system but are scared of a theoretical Russian takeover
1 Added Argument Is it okay for a public school to put up pro-atheism posters?
1 Added Argument When did "agenda" become a bad word?
5 Created Debate When did "agenda" become a bad word?
2 Added Argument Who is the most evil person of all time?
1 Added Argument Can god tell a lie ?
1 Added Argument Should the death penalty be legal?
1 Added Argument Do you agree with Hitchens Razor?
7 Added Argument Religion acts like a mental disorder.
5 Created Debate Religion acts like a mental disorder.
1 Added Argument Is there a "god" that is capable of and is active in influencing the lives of humans?
1 Added Argument Are debates meant to be completely logical?
2 Added Argument Islamic dominance by 2070
5 Created Debate Islamic dominance by 2070
1 Added Argument The origin of life is fire
1 Added Argument Liberals aren't about right and wrong but control
1 Added Argument Liberals sometimes come to reality. Here is an example
1 Added Argument Homo Optimus
5 Created Debate Homo Optimus
1 Added Argument Russia is lefts way of avoiding their bankrupt ideology
1 Added Argument Should there be a Bluexit?
3 Added Argument Is there a "god" that is capable of and is active in influencing the lives of humans?
1 Added Argument Liberalism is a Western suicide death cult
10 Added Argument Every scientific theory has a formula except darwinian evolution why?
1 Added Argument Do you think Same Sex Marriage should be reversed?
1 Added Argument Why do you care if same sex marriage is legal or not
2 Added Argument We were infiltrated by Communists and liberals are their children
1 Added Argument Liberals choose Muhammad over Jesus
2 Added Argument Liberals want the Cold War back
1 Added Argument Is global warming a hoax?
1 Added Argument flat Earth
1 Added Argument Thomas Edison proved the existence of heaven at his last breath
1 Added Argument Dress Codes: Are They Shaming Women Because Of Their Bodies?
1 Added Argument Looks like Donald Trump Jr. COLLUDED with the Russians..
1 Added Argument Liberalism 101 for Dummies
1 High Rated Argument Every scientific theory has a formula except darwinian evolution why?
2 Added Argument How do we cure scientific illiteracy?
5 Created Debate How do we cure scientific illiteracy?
1 Added Argument Liberalism is based off of low self esteem and need to get approval from others
1 Added Argument Should Gay Marriages be Legal
1 Added Argument In the West fascism has always stemmed from the left
1 Added Argument The left's problem is they value social justice over freedom
10 Added Argument Every scientific theory has a formula except darwinian evolution why?
0 Added Argument If men were really monkeys, who created the first monkey?
1 Added Argument The origin of life is fire
1 Added Argument Does religion blind people or open minds?
1 Added Argument Most Democrats do not believe in liberty and justice for all
2 Added Argument do animals have consciousness?
8 Added Argument Liberals have become sad entertainment for sane people...
4 Added Argument Can Real, Meaningful Change Ever Be Achieved Without Violence?
1 Added Argument The American Healthcare Act ("Trumpcare"): Good or Awful?
2 Added Argument The Liberal Narrative is dead. Make Americans men again...
1 Added Argument Do you believe in god?

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