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seanB's Reward Points: 950

Points When What Where
4 Added Argument They cannot figure out why Coronavirus isn't killing kids
1 Added Argument Is the transgender movement, a dictatorship?
1 Added Argument Should voting be mandatory.
3 Added Argument Islamic country threatens to unleash Coronavirus infected migrants into Europe
-1 Downvoted Argument Can you be a christian and still believe in evolution? Elaborate answers only
-1 Downvoted Argument Prove to me that babies have a gender when born
3 Added Argument Britain finally leaves the European Union. Good or bad?
1 Added Argument Britain finally leaves the European Union. Good or bad?
1 Added Argument How do you know Jeremy Corbin isn't the next Hitler pretending to be a Socialist
1 Added Argument Why is the left, so hypocritical, about bullying, and hate speech?
2 Added Argument Why does anything exist rather than nothing?
4 Added Argument Why does anything exist rather than nothing?

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