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seanB's Reward Points: 950

Points When What Where
10 Added Argument Describe your ideal society in three words
-1 Downvoted Argument socialism is fascism and fascism is socialism
7 Added Argument socialism is fascism and fascism is socialism
2 Added Argument Why do left wingers claim the commies but not the national socialsts?
-1 Downvoted Argument
1 Added Argument Should children be vaccinated?
2 Added Argument When does the human fetus have brainwaves?
1 Added Argument Does Sarah's law affect the rehabilitation of sex offenders?
1 Added Argument What is the greatest threat to human freedom?
1 Added Argument Can the scientific community open up its mind just a crack?
-1 Downvoted Argument Can the scientific community open up its mind just a crack?
2 Added Argument The difference between communism, and democratic socialism.
5 Added Argument Can the scientific community open up its mind just a crack?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should abortion be safe, legal, and rare?
6 Added Argument Should abortion be safe, legal, and rare?
-1 Downvoted Argument Should abortion be safe, legal, and rare?
4 Added Argument Should abortion be safe, legal, and rare?
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
-1 Downvoted Argument
2 Added Argument Lenin was ultimately fighting for good
1 Added Argument Why Has Capitalism Been Successful?
-1 Downvoted Argument Why Has Capitalism Been Successful?
7 Added Argument How intelligent would you say you are on a scale from 1 to 10?
1 Added Argument Kids can't consent to sex with adults (thank God), but can consent to Transgender surgery?
-1 Downvoted Argument Male Reproductive Rights
1 Added Argument Male Reproductive Rights
10 Added Argument 39 found dead in the back of a truck in the UK
5 Created Debate Male Reproductive Rights
-1 Downvoted Argument What is income equality, and should I support it?
-1 Downvoted Argument What is income equality, and should I support it?
1 Added Argument If An Electron Can Be In 2 Places At Once It Therefore Can Only Be In 1 Place Out Of 2
1 Added Argument Is marriage a right?
8 Added Argument What is income equality, and should I support it?
-1 Downvoted Argument What is income equality, and should I support it?
1 Added Argument What is democratic socialism?
-1 Downvoted Argument Ask yourself why you are so offended by displays of our Christian heritage.
-1 Downvoted Argument Ask yourself why you are so offended by displays of our Christian heritage.
5 Added Argument Why do liberals persecute Christians?
5 Added Argument Is climate change real?
1 Added Argument Is it wrong to cut people up and eat them?
1 Added Argument It's my life, I have the right to worship Jesus.
6 Added Argument Ask yourself why you are so offended by displays of our Christian heritage.
1 Added Argument Ask yourself why you are so offended by displays of our Christian heritage.
-1 Downvoted Argument Kenya's President says gays have no rights
-1 Downvoted Argument Nation's murderous psychopaths undecided on whether they will follow "New Gun Laws"
-1 Downvoted Argument Nation's murderous psychopaths undecided on whether they will follow "New Gun Laws"
8 Added Argument Nation's murderous psychopaths undecided on whether they will follow "New Gun Laws"
1 Added Argument If the homeless should be REMOVED from the streets, where should we put them?
2 Added Argument Golden Oldies: Does God Exist?
-1 Downvoted Argument Golden Oldies: Does God Exist?
1 Added Argument Should Pedophiles be a part of the LBGTQ community
2 Added Argument Bernie is open to a "Meat Tax" to combat Climate Change !
1 Added Argument Leftist want to ban "White Milk" because it is Racist ! LMAO!!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Added Argument Are you a science denier if you think decisions should be made based on money, not science
2 Added Argument Can you believe in biology WITHOUT believing in evolution??
1 Added Argument Is gun ownership a right, for law abding adults?
1 Added Argument Donald Trump is what happens when you allow the mentally disabled to vote
1 Added Argument Is Bombmaking A Right For Law-Abiding Muslims?
1 Added Argument If I gave a guy the finger, and he advances on me, can I stand my ground and kill him??
1 Added Argument Were the lives of atheist Jews SPARED by the Nazis?
1 Added Argument Gun violence: What's the main culprit?
1 Added Argument Do we need common sense knife control in the ISA?
1 Added Argument Without liberals there would have been no 9/11 or London train bombing
1 High Rated Argument An atheistic world cannot be a free world
1 Added Argument An atheistic world cannot be a free world
1 Added Argument Forced sterilization of all illegal immigrants
0 Downvoted Argument Should transgenders be allowed to teach children?
1 Added Argument Iran test fires missile, what is stopping Trump from kicking their ass?
1 Added Argument How societies turn cruel.
1 Added Argument SD displays In God We Trust, in ALL public schools. Your thoughts?
-1 Downvoted Argument SD displays In God We Trust, in ALL public schools. Your thoughts?
2 Added Argument Shootings on the East Coast and West Coast ! Gun Control works ????????
-1 Downvoted Argument Weather Alert : The Left only has 18 months to " Save the Planet " LMAO !!!!!!!!!
2 Added Argument Weather Alert : The Left only has 18 months to " Save the Planet " LMAO !!!!!!!!!
0 Added Argument Should transgenders be allowed to teach children?
1 Added Argument Neurodiversity
1 Added Argument Feminist student designs "Anti-Manspreading Chair" LMAO !!!!!!!!!!!!
1 Added Argument Tax cuts for the rich have deprived the UK public of almost £14 billion
4 Added Argument Is Jesus entitled to be worshipped.
4 Added Argument In the face of a possible war between US and Iran, Iranians turn to Jesus!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
5 Added Argument Should the Bible be taught in schools?
10 Added Argument Iran hints at possible talks. Will Trump avoid war?
1 Added Argument God didn't design us to eat a plant based diet: change my mind
-1 Downvoted Argument Is it ok to have sex before marriage
1 Added Argument Do we gravitate to cook meat on instinct or conditioning?
0 Added Argument Total animal abuse
1 Added Argument What do you think about the essay writing services?
1 Added Argument How to be a climate change denier
1 Added Argument Shot in stomach, charged with manslaughter
1 Added Argument The Notion That People Are (Or Ever Can Be) Free Under Capitalism Is Ludicrous
10 Added Argument If we found a planet like Earth that was 1 degree hotter...
1 Added Argument Is a bartender an expert on climate change and economics?
1 Added Argument Are free care and good care the same thing?
1 Added Argument If I'm taxed to cover costs of free healthcare, isn't it care I paid for?

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